Sunday, January 30, 2011

Smuckers Love

So, I have this guilty pleasure. It's kind of embarrassing, and I usually don't tell people until I know them really well. I fricken LOVE peanut butter. It's delicious. I've always been extremely particular about my peanut butter, and as a child, I was raised on Peter Pan's Low Sodium Creamy Peanut Butter. But then a dreadful thing happened. It was cancelled! All of a sudden my peanut butter dreams were squashed, and I didn't know where to turn for gooey, satisfying bliss. For years, I stalked the peanut butter isle, trying new brands, jars of sub-par peanut butter sitting unused in my pantry. Peanut butter became a thing of the past, like penny candy or the allure of vanilla wafers. Then, two years ago, I once again took up my abandoned quest with the arrival of a new player in town. It was Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter. Ingredients: peanuts, less than 1% salt. Hello new friend. A peanut butter in which you can actually taste the peanuts. What a revolution. Anyway, here I am today, with my jar of peanut butter that I have mercilessly devoured a significant portion of in the last 24 hours. And let me tell you, it's fantastic!

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