Sunday, September 11, 2011


What can I say about beauty. This time of year, it sprouts up in patches. Bright green trees, cloudless blue sky background, perfect lighting. My drive home is a small reminder of the beauty in this world, and I'll fill my lungs with as much of it as the moment will allow. The chill in the air as I step out the door in the morning, that reminds me of pumpkins and cinnamon sticks. An exhilarating dance in the satisfaction of solitude. Life is full of beautiful things, some are obvious, and some are harder to see. Sometimes, impossible to see. But there is beauty in the painful moments too, moments that resonate within us. The final straw, the moment where she finally gives up on him. The fact that she never truly will. Que the harmonic. The beauty of pain lets us know we are still living, that we still have our most human attributes. Your beauty is bittersweet darling, I'll always see it, and I'll always let it hurt, because once it let me love.

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